AVOIDING EYES as with any products.


For Birds: KG Pet Spray is a natural ingredient, dual purpose all-in-one kill by contact pest product. It has the power to effectively rid your bird of bird mite, red mite, depluming mite, northern fowl mite, scaly leg mites, fleas, lice and parasites naturally! It also has the ability to eliminate odors. Can be safely used on the bird, their bedding and surrounding grounds without the need to move your birds. KG Pet Spray is our revolutionary biodegradable, all-organic, hypoallergenic and easy to use with no removal of the birds needed.  Studies show that when fleas, mites and lice are no longer present on and around birds, they become less stressed and aggressive.  The elimination of parasites and insects will help decrease mortality rates in young birds

As a kill by contact pest product, KG Pet Spray for birds works better, quicker and safer than dangerous, synthetic, pesticide, and poisons.

Note with extreme infestation’s it may take up to 6 weeks to break the life cycle of mites and lice.  Only you can guarantee to rid your pet or home, with persistence in keeping your pet clean and its bedding.

KG Pet Spray will clear odors, just spray leave for 3 minutes and wipe away.

These products are safe to use around your home, family, babies, elderly, mother’s to be. Keep away from the eyes.

Always test a small area of surface if unsure.