Rowin LEF-3806 Octpus Tender Octave-ish Style The LEF-3806 pedal is designed to have a straightforward interface that allows you to adjust the dials to your preference until you hear the complex sounds you are looking for. The LEF-3806 Poly Octave effects pedal is an excellent tracking device. POLY OCTAVE CONTROLS: The LEF-3806 has three primary dial controls; Oct 1, Oct 2 and Dry. Oct 1 and Oct 2 are your octaves, so you can blend the original note with a note which is one or two octaves below or above it. The Dry dial controls the overall level or volume of the Dry setting, and when this is blended with Oct 1 and / or Oct 2 you can dial in some pretty majestic sounds, from Funk to Chunk. Rowin have also included a toggle switch which allows you to shift between three separate modes: Top, Both, and Bottom. The Rowin LEF-3806 Poly Octave pedal is fitted with a multi-functioning true bypass footswitch which engages the pedal, but also allows you to store parameters and create interesting sound layers just by holding down on the footswitch. This is a big plus for utilizing the pedal on various song passages at your command. The Poly Octave has an LED status indicator; press down once and this lets you to shift between the original sound and the effect sound. Press down twice and this switches between fixed and non-fixed mode. The Poly Octave is incredibly compact but has a robust casing that will fit snugly on any standard pedal board. Features at a glance: