



🛡 - Item Description:


" Money buys man's silence for a time. A bolt in the heart buys it forever. "


- Petyr Baelish




" A Dance With Dragons delivers what readers really crave from Martin - not closure, but instead, a sense of total immersion in a world in which the lines between good and evil, chivalry and betrayal, success and failure are blurred and morally ambiguous. .... At the end, I felt shaken and exhausted. I can't recall the last time a work of science fiction or fantasy had that kind of effect on me. I'm almost glad that it will be years before I have to do this all over again. Because it will take me years to recover. "


- New York Times




" It was worth the wait ... Filled with vividly rendered set pieces, unexpected turnings, assorted cliffhangers and moments of appalling cruelty, A Dance With Dragons is epic fantasy as it should be written: passionate, compelling, convincingly detailed and thoroughly imagined ... The result is a complex summer blockbuster with brains and heart, a book with rare - and potentially enormous - appeal. "


- The Washington Post






💯 - About The Product:


A Dance with Dragons is set in a fictitious world reminiscent of medieval Europe (primarily on a continent called Westeros), except for the fact that in this world, seasons can last for years, occasionally decades.


A Dance with Dragons picks up where A Storm of Swords leaves off and runs simultaneously with events in A Feast for Crows. The War of the Five Kings seems to be winding down. In the north, King Stannis Baratheon has installed himself at the Wall and vowed to win the support of the northmen to continue his struggle to claim the Iron Throne, although this is complicated by the fact that much of the west coast is under occupation by the ironborn. On the Wall itself


Jon Snow has been elected the 998th Lord Commander of the Night's Watch, but has enemies both in the Watch and beyond the Wall.


Tyrion Lannister has been taken by ship across the narrow sea to Pentos, but his eventual goals are unknown even to him.


On Slaver's Bay, Daenerys Targaryen has conquered the city of Meereen, and has decided to stay and rule the city, honing her skills of leadership which will be needed when she travels on to Westeros. Daenerys's presence is now known to many in Westeros, and from the Iron Islands and Dorne, from Oldtown and the Free Cities, emissaries are on their way to find her and use her cause for their own ends...






⚔️ - Professional Review And Deeper Insights:


Check out the article written by grimdarkmagazine.com, where the author of the article goes into more details about some of the plots characters are involved in and their circumstance throughout the book. Once again this is another George R R Martin masterpiece where the words of this novel gets the readers hooked from the very start. The book starts with a prologue where we get a POV from Varamyr Sixskins, a wilding high ranking soldier and a warg. This was the first time we got to see the perspective of the story from the wildings, and it starts out with a bang, and only gets better!










