A bioresonance modulator is a device based on natural crystals that is glued to a smartphone and used to enhance one's goals, desires, thoughts, and intentions.

The principle of operation is based on the ability of crystals to enter into interaction with a person and accumulate information. The formulated intention is recorded in the modulator crystal, then the cellular signal is modulated with this information. Thus, the intention of a person spreads over long distances in the global energy-information field of the Earth.

BRM Citrine works with the following areas of intent:

- everything is new, new beginnings, cleansing from the old (i.e. from the negative reflexes of the past);

- structuring of mental processes, improving mental abilities, clarity of perception;

- harmonization of relations with any sphere of society (family, work, etc.);

- balancing opposing desires and finding "the Golden mean", clarifying the situation;

- improving mood, getting rid of CFS, apathy, balancing the emotional background;

- risky financial transaction.

Detailed instructions for use included.