Noopendants are devices of bioresonance and unique quantum technologies. Noopendant uses the information (including holographic) foundations of our Universe (the noosphere) to improve the quality of human life in various areas.
Technically, a noopendant is a device with a small crystal connected to an antenna, on which special information is recorded. This information allows a person to resonate with various energies ("programs") in the noosphere aimed at improving a person's life (improving health, relieving stress, increasing awareness, improving the psycho-emotional state, increasing brain capabilities, developing superpowers, the ability to influence the world around, increasing self-confidence, leadership qualities, charisma and much more).

Noopendant "Intuition" connects to the intuitive channel for obtaining information. Intuition comes to the rescue in the realities of modern dynamic life. Everyone has a "sixth sense", but usually this ability is latent, dormant. Noopendant programs allow you to activate the ability to intuition.

For the device to work, it is enough to wear it constantly and set mentally the appropriate intentions.