



🌕 - About This Product:


The Tarot is an empowering and wise tool that has been used for generations. Guided by creator of the Starchild Tarot, Danielle Noel, The Book of Tarot introduces the Tarot to a new audience of readers who are rediscovering the cards as a means of self-discovery, meditation and reflection.


This book is beautifully and creatively designed and easy-to-navigate, learn the full meaning behind the cards, how to handle your deck, unlock its magic and use it to set personal goals and intentions with clarity and confidence.






🎯 - Brief History Of Tarots:


The tarot is a pack of playing cards, used from at least the mid-15th century in various parts of Europe to play games such as Italian tarocchini, French tarot and Austrian Konigrufen, many of which are still played today. In the late 18th century, some tarot decks began to be used for divination via tarot card reading and cartomancy leading to custom decks developed for fields such as these.


Like the common playing cards, tarot has four suits which vary by region: French suits in Northern Europe, Latin suits in Southern Europe, and German suits in Central Europe. Each suit has 14 cards: ten pip cards numbering from one (or Ace) to ten, and four face cards (King, Queen, Knight, and Jack/Knave/Page). In addition, the tarot has a separate 21-card trump suit and a single card known as the Fool; this 22-card section of the tarot deck is known in divinatory circles as the Major Arcana. Depending on the game, the Fool may act as the top trump or may be played to avoid following suit. These tarot cards are still used throughout much of Europe to play conventional card games, which lighten up the environment and is a relaxing/entertaining activity.




The Book Of Tarot By Danielle Noel is a fun read full of wisdom, great info and endless interesting insight. This is without a doubt the best place to start if you've newly developed an interest for Tarot reading.





|| ◼️ - GREAT BOOK FOR BEGINNERS || ◻️ - CLARITY || ◼️ - LIFE CHANGING || ◻️ - GUIDANCE || ◼️ - DIRECTION || ✨️✨️✨️ ||


