



🕠 - Item Description:


" Once again, Stephen Covey has nailed it. In this latest book, he offers meaningful advice for navigating life's toughest challenges. It's not about 'my way' or 'your way', but about seeking out 'our way'. "


- J.W. MARRIOTT, JR - Chairman and CEO of Marriot International, Inc




" In The 3rd Alternative Dr. Covey inspires us to think differently about Solving problems that we ever have before. We must set aside our differences, including our boundaries, languages, economics, politics and cultures, and work hand in hand together to create solutions that are greater than the problems we now face. "


- MUHAMMAD YUNUS, Nobel Peace Prize winner, 2006 and Founder Of Grameen Bank Bangladesh






📊 - About This Product:


The 3rd Alternative: Solving Life's Most Difficult Problems, published in 2011, is a self-help book by Stephen Covey, also the author of The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People #1 Most Influential Business Book of the Twentieth Century. The 3rd Alternative introduces a breakthrough approach to conflict resolution and creative problem solving. It gives details and real-world examples and ends with chapters explaining that the 3rd Alternative is "a way of life".


When it comes to conflicts, the first alternative is ' my way ' and the second alternative is ' your way '. The fight boils down to whose way is better. This book presents a new and practical, but incredibly effective and eye-opening, way to reach resolution through using the 'Third Alternative'. The Third Alternative moves beyond your way or my way to a higher and better way - one that allows both parties to emerge from debate or even heated conflict in a far better place than either had envisioned. The contents in this book is about empathy towards others and empathy in general when it comes to seeing the other person's perspective and seeing the perspective of the bigger picture when it comes to social/human interactions.






📈 - Some Of The Benefits Of This Book:


  • Nobody has to give up anything, and everyone wins. 
  • In a world escalating strife and contention, Stephen Covey brings in creative and innovative solutions, peace and healing.
  • Readers will learn how to create new and better results instead of escalating conflict, as well as how to build strong relationships with diverse individuals based on an attitude of winning together.
  • The book represents a new way of thinking, for individuals who bare seeking to improve their professional and personal lives.





💱 - Topics That To Be Covered:


The first step or paradigm is about coming to know oneself. It is about stepping outside of normal associations and examining personal worth, feelings, and interests. When a person adopts this paradigm and wins the "private victory," he or she is ready to turn toward to others.


The second paradigm instructs readers to see others with the same respectfulness as they now see themselves. The next step is to understand others and their views. In this paradigm, interests are not obstacles to each other, but principles required to be understood by both parties involved in order to generate a solution for both.


The 3rd Alternative, he said, explores this topic, primarily in the section covering this third paradigm, "I Seek You Out". The final and most lengthy section describes the process of arriving at synergy.


And lastly Stephen M R Covey includes several chapters showing how The 3rd Alternative principles have been or could be applied in situations including work, home, school, law, society, and the world. Covey finishes the book by explaining that beyond using 3rd Alternative processes, one might try to live a 3rd Alternative life. He gives his personal insights into how this is done.







