Enriched Super Compost Tea is an amended version of our Super Compost Tea. We have added aged raw chicken and horse manure (for nitrogen), rock phosphate, potassium sulfate, and pulverized eggshells. These are the nutrients that plants require during the growth stage. Adding these nutrients provides what is needed for plants to grow to their fullest potential size.


The NPK of the amended product is: 3 : 4 : 4.

Enriched Super Compost Tea is intended to be used a maximum of once a week during the growth stage. You can still use Super Compost Tea for daily watering, to ensure that the bio environment is kept at its best.

Be sure to select the size option that you want. The date stamp on the bottle is the 'bottled on' date, not the expiration.

This product has an odor! Due to that smell, it is recommended to be mixed outside.  Once it is diluted, there is no strong smell.

*This product labeling contains a stern warning: "Not intended for consumption by humans or pets. Product contains bacteria, microbes, and other non-food items. May cause serious illness or death if consumed." This does not mean that the product is 'toxic'. What it means is that it is NOT a BEVERAGE! We are aware that the identity of the product contains the word 'Tea' and that it is packaged in what may be viewed as a beverage bottle. We elected to use extraordinary cautious language to be as instructive as necessary. It is not a dangerous product. It is simply not sanitary to drink. It is made from all natural composted horse and chicken manure as well as waste hay around feeders. This is not something that anyone should consider food safe.