Tiger Motors T-MOTOR 9x3 Carbon Fiber antiGravity! Props are professional quality props specifically designed for upgrading your DJI Phantom for better performance and higher efficiency. This set includes a pair of props (one CW and one CCW) and protective storage bags. Featuring sandwich construction with corkwood cores for low weight and an aerodynamic cross-section, T-MOTOR carbon fiber props provide more responsive, highly efficient thrust to power your aircraft. T-MOTOR CF props come 100% balanced out of the box, to eliminate excess vibration and save you hours of sanding. These 9x3 CF props are recommended for use with either the stock DJI 2212/920KV motors, or the T-MOTOR MN2214-KV920 upgrade motors for Phantom. Also includes aluminum alloy adapter bosses for T-MOTOR MT2216 and other motors with 5mm prop adapters.