DandD Attack Wing is a Dungeons and Dragons tactical flight and ground combat miniatures game, featuring pre-painted dragons, siege weaponry, and troops from the Dungeons and Dragons Forgotten Realms universe.
Utilizing the FlightPath maneuver system, command your army in epic aerial and ground combat and customize your army with spells, equipment, weapons, special abilities and more!
The Harper Legion has recruited many powerful allies, including a troop of elven archers so deadly in their accuracy that they can find the weaknesses of the strongest enemies. Led by Limnen, the elven warrior with a mysterious past, they are known for forming up and peppering their enemies with countless arrows before their foes can even draw their weapons.
Today Limnen's troop has been given a difficult mission. Nymmestra the Wizard has sent them to retrieve an important missive left at the edge of a forest, knowing full well that the area is crawling with enemies who serve th