Love DIY Spell to get your crush to fall madly in love with you
1. Helps you to truly find that S/he is the one
2. You both will become very attracted to each other
3. Creates many enjoyable moments together
4. S/he will want to be committed to you
5. Clear, open and align their chakras with yours
6. Helps you to be your beautiful self in your crush’s presence
7. S/he will become passionately, wildly, desperately, intensely and madly in love with you.
8. H/she will mentally and physically start finding your smallest likes, dislikes, and interests
9. Moves mountains in your love life
It cannot be distributed without the consent of the creator, Gloria Hammond
It is for personal use only. It cannot be redistributed or sold personally.
This is a Digital Download Listing which just means that you are purchasing the DIY Spell Casting Which Comes As A PDF That You Can Print Out To Cast This Spell Yourself Or Add In Your Book Of Shadows