1X Agni Manitite Tumbled Stones 25-30mm Rare Tektite Pearl of Fire Indonesia

This is a listing for ONE tektite, selected from the lot shown

Country of Origin: Indochina 
Size: 25-30mm or about 1” - 1-1/4” across

Agni Manitite are extremely rare tektite, found on island of Java in Indonesia, known as the Pearl of Fire. This tektite resonates with the solar plexus chakra, immediately activating it. It stimulates creative energy, and facilates artistic and creative pursuits. 

Legends still abound for Tektite! Modern mystics believe that Tektites will support one’s spiritual evolution. Dreamworkers use Tektite to facilitate lucid dreaming.

Never needs cleansing.

 Chakras: All

Element: Storm

Astrological Sign: Aries and Cancer

Number: Vibrates to #9

Country of Origin: Indonesia



Connects one with Extra-terrestrials and enhances a telepathic link to ETs

Facilitates telepathic communication

Useful for protection

Helps one to keep or helps to rid one of memories

Opens up Third Eye

Amplifies aura

Restructures body

Raises one’s vibrational level

Supports the body in integrating high-frequency energies

Helps Starborns overcome homesickness and loneliness

Increases psychic sensitivity

Facilitates lucid dreaming

Useful in dreamwork and dream recall

Conducive for astral travel and moving between dimensions

Restore aural energy and repairs holes in aura

Beneficial during Reiki healing for restoration of spirit