ITEM:  Twenty (20) RICK SPRINGFIELD Articles

DESCRIPTION:  Twenty (20) RICK SPRINGFIELD Color and B&W Articles

Six (6) B&W Full-Page Articles / Five (5) B&W Two-Page Articles / Two (2) Color and B&W Two-Page Articles with Pin-Ups

Rick Springfield is an Australian musician, singer, songwriter, actor, author

Rick songs include:  Speak To The Sky, Hooky Jo, What Would The Children Think?, I'm Your Superman, Believe In Me, Mission Magic!, American Girls, Take A Hand, Million Dollar Face, Archangel, Jessie's Girl, I've Done Everything For You, Love Is Alright Tonight, Don't Talk To Strangers, Calling All Girls, What Kind Of Fool Am I, I Get Excited, Affair of the Heart, Human Touch, Love Somebody, Bop 'Til You Drop, State of the Heart, It's Always Something, Beautiful You, Broken Wings, What's Victoria's Secret, I Hate Myself, Light This Party, Down, Little Demon, In The Land of the Blind, and others

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Last seen in:  "Traces" as Carl (2021)
Best known for playing:  Dr. Noah Drake on "General Hospital" (1981-1983; 2005-2008; 2013)

Also seen in/on:  IHeart80s Party, True Detective (Dr. Irving Pitlor), Ricki and the Flash, Californication, Dying to Dance, Legion, Loyal Opposition, High Tide (Mick Barrett), A Change of Place, In The Shadows Someone's Watching, Human Target (Christopher Chance), Just Deserts, Silent Motive, Dead Reckoning, Nick Night, Hard To Hold, Battlestar Galactica (Lieutenant Zac), Mission: Magic!, and more

Sizes vary:  8"x11" each 
Clippings are Rare and Hard-to-Find from various magazine sources
All clippings are original (no photo copies)

COPYRIGHT:   one article from 16 Spec (1972); Tiger Beat, 16 Spec, 16 Fun Time, Flip (1973)

FLAWS:  None. Yellowing, if any, is due to age


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