I spent a lot of time learning how to restore 8 track tapes, every tape I list for sale has new pressure pads (if needed, which is about 90% of the time) and new sensor foil if needed, if the one on it is good I reinforce it with splice tape on the underside of the tape where the sensor foil is. I play every tape thru at least one whole track, it's that foil that makes it change tracks, so when you play a tape thru till the track changes you have actually played the whole length of the tape. I just like to work on em while I'm watching TV or something, I also thoroughly clean the outside of the cartridge very thoroughly, a few may still appear to be dirty but they just have marks on em that would require buffing with a compound but I really can't go that far. You can be assured I've given each tape far more personal attention to the quality of it than I really should. I just want people to be happy and it's also just sort of a personal thing with me to preserve these antiquities.