(General dictionary of biography and history, mythology, ancient modern and comparative geography) – In French language. By Ch. Dezobry and Th. Bachelet. In two volumes.
Paris, Delagrave, 1895.
Pp: (T1) VIII, 1581 [1]
(T2) [2] 1584-3056.
Size: 28 x 20 cm
Dictionnaire general de biographie et d’histoire de mythologie, de geographie ancienne et moderne comparee, des antiquites et des institutions grecques, romaines, francaises et etrangeres.
Biography: The lives of men famous for their actions, their virtues, their writings, their talents, or famous for their crimes;
History: The compendium of the history of all peoples; the chronology of illustrious dynasties and families,
the relationship of wars, battles, treaties, religious or political revolutions, etc.
Mythology: The exposition of the religions of antiquity, and of ancient or modern cults, with rites, festivals, mysteries, sacred books, etc.
Geography: The description of the top places of the Globe useful to know for universal history,the political, industrial, and commercial importance; empires, kingdoms, provinces, cities, etc., and their population; the study of the most famous monuments;
the concordance of ancient and modern names, etc.
Antiques and Institutions: The table of the uses and customs of all peoples, their constitutions, governments, public ceremonies;
their religious, civil, political, military, literary establishments, etc.
monastic and chivalric orders; religious and philosophical sects; the nomenclature and the history of the loads,
jobs, religious, political, civil, military dignities, etc.
Binding: Quarter leather binding. Original spine cover replaced with leather spine cover covering 3cm of front and back panel. Blindstamped covers, ink stains on the front and back panel, discoloration on the front panel, bumped edges, signs of wear along the bottoms of the panels. Overall in very good condition.
Condition: Signature of the previous owner on the title pages. Minor paper browning due to aging, half-title and title page of T1 slightly damaged. An otherwise clean copy.
For condition and details see the scans. Free shipping. If you have any additional questions, feel free to contact us!
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