Disney Trading Pins
125922 WDW - 2017 Canoe Races Of the World (C.R.O.W.) Pin - (Toy Story Theme)
Canoe Races of the World, or C.R.O.W., is a beloved annual Cast Member event that dates back to 1973 at Walt Disney World and 1963 at Disneyland. Each year around 80 teams (each with 10 members) compete in pre-dawn races. Amid shouts of “ROW, ROW, ROW,” the teams put their strength behind the oars to earn the fastest times around Tom Sawyer’s Island. The best times clock in at around five minutes. This pin was given to participants in Walt Disney World's 2017 event that was themed to Toy Story. As you can see on the pin Buzz and Woody trying to race a canoe "C.R.O.W. STORY" on Top of the pin.