What a wonderful and rare set of antique books! The Peculiar Treasure Zone is proud to be offering up this fantastic and complete collection of Robert Louis Stevenson's novels that include all of the well known favorites as well as some of the titles you may not have heard of. Personal note, Treasure Island and Kidnapped were two of my favorite books growing up and still hold a special place in my heart because they took me on adventures I might have never known. To have these as a complete group is a rare treat indeed. Each book contains as it's frontis piece a picture of the author at various stages of his career and life protected by a thin sheet, a dedication, and a preface. Here then is a list of writings contained within these books:
Travels with a Donkey and An Inland Voyage (Two different stories in one book)
Virginibus Puerisque
Master of Ballantrae
Treasure Island
Child's Garden of Verse and Underwoods (Two different stories in one book)
In spite of the antique age of their printings, which range from 1906 to 1914, all of these books are in excellent condition. There are no torn pages. The bindings are solid and completely fastened and in perfect working order. There are no rips or tears in any of the front or back covers.