
This is an unusual vintage trivet that can also be heated to keep your dish / food warm.
Ivory ceramic, with a charming floral design, with robin bird and nest.
Really pretty!
You heat it up in the oven, and then put your casserole dish, plate or bowl on it to keep food warm.
Marked on the back:
Heat this side up (underside up) in oven for 2 - 4 minutes.
Made in the USA"
10 1/2" in diameter, and about 1 1/2" thick.
It is very heavy. I believe it has some kind of ceramic material inside that holds heat, much like a the heated pottery bricks that you put in bread baskets.
It has little ball feet to protect your table.
Decorative fluted edges.
It is in beautiful condition, except for a few flakes in a small area on the fluted rim. Not really noticeable at all.
I could find no other examples of this brand or item online.  It is really unique and so cute.
It would be lovely on a springtime table - think Easter - to keep a side dish hot.
It is also so decorative that it could be displayed.

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