We accept payment through PayPal as it is safest and quickest mode of payment which not only enables us to expedite your shipment but also protects every one's interest.

We ship Worldwide and assure dispatching the product 4 - 10 working days soon after the Payment Confirmation is received. Items will be shipped by FedEx, UPS, DHL, India Post & PSG. If for some reasons, shipping of the product is delayed, you would be duly informed about the same along with the expected date when the product would be shipped. If for some reasons beyond our control, your area is not serviceable by our logistic partners, we will refund the money.

Tracking number will be provided once consignment shipped.

We understand that you want your product to reach you in its Best Condition, Thus the products would be packed properly in a Tamper Proof Packing Material that Protects the product from being Damaged or Soiled or any other Damages.

If there is any problem with the Item or delivery, please contact us Before leaving the Feedback. We will make sure that the issue is sorted out Refund is payable after receiving product has to be returned in Good salable condition.

Return will be accepted within 14 Days only.

If you have any query please feel free to contact us through Etsy message system or By clicking "Ask a Question" tab below the listing.