NauticalMart Medieval Viking Anglo Medieval  Woodan Halloween Shield 


NauticalMart Medieval Viking Anglo - Saxo Raghvar Woodan Halloween Shield the round shield was a shield was staple of warfare throuhoht human history. frm from the ver earliest  shields discovered right up to the renaissance. the maneuverability and utilit of the round shield as a battlefield weaoon has mad it so this beautifully handmade and hand -painted viking shield is an absolute masterpiece. the aqed woodan planks been meticulously carved by hand and feature a wealth of wondrous detail and subtle battle- marks that befit a great viking warrior. the shield also features a heavv 16 gauge steel boss in the center and a steel rim all around the outer edge. A single wooden handle has been attached to the back of the shield for carrving/wielding purposes. Because this tpe of shield is made by hand and used multiple carving techniques. please be aware that the wood patterns and details shown in the pictures may very slightl from the shield ou receive.the front of the the shield has also been applied with a topcoat/varnish to protect it through the centuries. So whether  for the wall or the battlefield ,this is well balanced and ready to serve.