Brand new factory sealed blu-ray and dvd combo, the digital copy is expired. Older blu-ray/dvd players may not play the movie due to outdated copy guard decoders. Make sure you have a newer up-to-date player.

Ok, so Disney can't even come up with a synopsis for this film because there isn't one on the back cover so I will try to. Basically its the woke agenda preaching to the choir with a checklist of all-inclusive characters and a convuluted story to fit which stifles all creativity and ignores all-ready established rules of the universe. I got the uneasy feeling that this was Great Britain in outer space because all the minor characters speak with a heavy, British, laugh-out loud accent, no one tries to hide it like they normally do.

On the plus side, it is a bunch of swirling colors and loud sound FX, kind of like watching a fireworks display or a Marvel superhero movie. If you liked 'Robot Monster', 'Glen or Glenda?', any driver's education film, or you're just too young to know better, then the joke's on you.