Davey Crockett
Coonskin Hat

Crockett Coonskin Tail Caps

This Is A Imitation Racoon Hat With A Real Tail. These Hats Come In 4 Sizes. Our Coonskin Caps Are Hand-Crafted In The Beautiful Ozark Mountains. The Gray Tail Caps Are Super Nice, With Fuller And Longer Colored Tails,  The Cap Is Made Using A Variety Of Various Species Of Raccoon And Tails Sewn Onto A Coon Heather Acrylic Fur. These Are Warm & Fun To Wear. The bluish gray dyed tails are left over from the Russian Women’s Coats.


Small--22"-- for ages 1-5
Medium--23"-- for ages 6-12
Large--23 1/2" to 24"-- for ages 13 to adult
XLarge--25"-- for big Men

Measurements should be made by encircling the head above the eyebrows. A fabric tape works well, although a string, compared to a yard stick will certainly do the job.

Please Note That Since These Are REAL TAILS, Each One Will Be Slightly Different