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A History of Massachusetts in the Civil War - (1871) - William Schouler - 677 pages
A History of the First Regiment of Massachusetts Cavalry volunteers - (1891) - Benjamin W Crowninshield & Daniel H.L. Gleason - 726 pages
A List of the Soldiers, Sailors, and Marines of the Civil War surviving and resident in Massachusetts on April 1, 1915 - (1918) - Massachusetts Bureau of Statistics - 340 pages
A Little Fifer's War Diary, with 17 maps, 60 portraits, and 246 other illustrations; - (1914) - Charles William Bardeen - 347 pages
A Memorial Sketch of Lieut. Edgar M. Newcomb, of the 19th Mass. Vols. - (1887) - Albert Blodgett Weymouth- 135 pages
A Narrative of the Formation and Services of the Eleventh Massachusetts Volunteers, from April 15, 1861, to July 14, 1865. Being a brief account of their experiences in the camp and in the field, to which is added a roster, containing the names of all surviving members known to the Veteran association, etc -(1895) - Gustavus B. Hutchinson - 97 pages
A Record of the Soldiers of Southborough, during the rebellion, from 1861 to 1866 - (1867) - Southborough, Massachusetts - 264 pages
Addresses, Reviews and Episodes, chiefly concerning the "Old 6th" Massachusetts Regiment - (1900) - Benjamin Frank Watson - 148 pages
Bearing Arms in the 27th Massachusetts Regiment of Volunteers Infantry During the Civil War, 1861-1865 - (1886) - William P Derby - 681 pages
Civil war memories - (1917) - James Brainerd Taylor Tupper - 11 pages
Exercises at the Dedication of the Monument to Colonel Robert Gould Shaw and the 54th regiment of the Massachusetts infantry, May 31, 1897 - (1897) - Boston Massachusetts City Council - 250 pages
Field, camp, hospital and prison in the civil war, 1863-1865; Charles A. Humphreys, chaplain, Second Massachusetts cavalry volunteers - (1918) - Charles Alfred Humphreys - 420 pages
First Regiment Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry Veteran association, Vol 1- (1911) - Massachusetts Infantry 1st Regt. - 30 pages
First Regiment of Infantry, Massachusetts Volunteer Militia : Colonel Robert Cowdin, commanding, in service of the United States, in Answer to the President's first call for troops to suppress the rebellion, April 15, 1861 (1903) - Luke Edward Jenkins - 50 pages
Gen. Cowdin and the First Massachusetts Regiment of Volunteers - (1864) - Robert Cowdin - 19 pages
Henry Wilson's regiment. History of the Twenty-second Massachusetts infantry, the Second company sharpshooters, and the Third light battery, in the war of the rebellion - (1887) - John Lord Parker - 157 pages
Historical Sketch of the Old Sixth Regiment of Massachusetts Volunteers : during its three campaigns in 1861, 1862, 1863, and 1864 : containing the history of several companies previous to 1861, and the name and military record of each man connected with the regiment during the war - (1866) - J. W. Hanson - 378 pages
History and Complete Roster of the Massachusetts regiments, minute men of '61 who responded to the first call of President Abraham Lincoln, April 15, 1861, to defend the flag and Constitution of the United States ... and biographical sketches of minute men of Massachuetts - (1910) - George W. Foussat - 428 pages
History of North Adams, Mass., 1749-1885 [electronic resource] : reminiscences of early settlers : extracts from old town records : its public institutions, industries and prominent citizens, together with a roster of commissioned officers in the War of the Rebellion - (1885) - Willis F. Spear - 136 pages
History of the 12th Massachusetts Volunteers (Webster regiment) - (1882) - Benjamin F Cook and James Beale - 167 pages
History of the 14th (Mozart) regiment, New York Volunteers, which was composed of four companies from New York, four companies from Massachusetts and two companies from Pennsylvania - (1909) - Frederick Clark Floyd - 469 pages
History of the 21st Regiment, Massachusetts volunteers, in the war for the preservation of the union, 1861-1865: with statistics of the war and of Rebel prisons - (1882) - Charles F. Walcott - 542 pages
History of the 2nd Massachusetts Battery (Nims' Battery) of Light Artillery, 1861-1865 - (1912) - Caroline Elizabeth Whitcomb - 111 pages
History of the 2nd Massachusetts regiment of infantry - (1884) - Daniel Oakey - 15 pages
History of the 35th Regiment Massachusetts Volunteers, 1862-1865. With a roster - (1884) - United States Army. - 512 pages
History of the 36th Regiment Massachusetts Volunteers. 1862-1865 - (1884) - Henry Sweetser Burrage - 840 pages
History of the 37th Regiment, Mass. Volunteers in the Civil War of 1861-1865 : with a comprehensive sketch of the doings of Massachusetts as a state, and of the principal campaigns of the war - (1884) - James L. Bowen - 500 pages
History of the 42nd regiment infantry - (1886) – Charles P Bosson - 496 pages
History of the 45th Regiment, Massachusetts Volunteer Militia .. - (1908) - Albert W. Mann - 714 pages
History of the 48th Regiment, M.V.M. during the Civil War - (1907) - Albert Plummer - 190 pages
History of the 50th Regiment of Infantry, Massachusetts Volunteer Militia, in the late war of the rebellion - (1907) - William B. Stevens - 454 pages
History of the 52nd Regiment, Massachusetts Volunteers - (1893) - J. F. Moors- 302 pages
History of the 58th regt. Massachusetts vols - (1865) - Frederick E. Cushman - 38 pages
History of the 5th Massachusetts Battery - (1902) - 991 pages
History of the 7th Massachusetts volunteer infantry in the war of the rebellion of the southern states against constitutional authority. 1861-1865. With description of battles, army movements, hospital life, and incidents of the camp, by officers and privates; and a comprehensive introduction of the moral and political forces which precipitated the war of secession upon the people of the United States - (1890) - Nelson V Hutchinson - 272 pages
History of the First Regiment (Massachusetts Infantry), from the 25th of May, 1861, to the 25th of May, 1864; including brief references to the operations of the Army of the Potomac - (1866) - Warren Handel Cudworth - 528 pages
History of the First Regiment of heavy artillery, Massachusetts volunteers, formerly the Fourteenth regiment of infantry, 1861-1865 - (1917) - Alfred S. Roe and Charles Nutt - 507 pages
History of the Ninth Mass. Battery. Recruited July, 1862; mustered in Aug. 10, 1862; mustered out June 9, 1865, at the close of the rebellion - (1888) - Levi Wood Baker - 280 pages
History of Worcester in the War of the Rebellion - (1870) - Abijah Perkins Marvin - 600 pages
Letters from a surgeon of the Civil War - (1906) - John Gardner Perry - 225 pages
Life with the 34th Mass. Infantry in the War of the Rebellion -(1879) - William Sever Lincoln - 478 pages
Life with the 49th Massachusetts Volunteers - (1890) - Henry T. Johns and D.L. Clark - 435 pages
Massachusetts in the Army and Navy during the War of 1861-1865 Volume 1 - (1895) - Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Mary Livermore, Ashton Rice, Charles Webster Wilson, Florence Wyman Jacques, - 647 pages
Massachusetts in the Army and Navy during the war of 1861-1865 Volume 2 - (1895) - Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Mary Livermore, Ashton Rice, Charles Webster Wilson, Florence Wyman Jacques, - 805 pages
Massachusetts commonwealth, and the services of the leading statesmen, the military, the colleges, and the people, in the civil war of 1861-65 in the Rebellion. A record of the Historical Position of the - (1866) - Phineas Camp Headley - 688 pages
Massachusetts in the War, 1861-1865 - (1889) - James Lorenzo Bowen - 1029 pages
Massachusetts Memorial to her Soldiers and Sailors who died in the Department of No. Carolina, 1861-1865 - (1909) - James Brown Gardner - 102 pages
Massachusetts officers who died while in the service of the United States during the war of the rebellion - (1892) - 24 pages
Massachusetts soldiers, sailors, and marines in the civil war (Index Plus all 8 Volumes---These books contain the Rosters of Officers and Enlisted in Massachusetts) by Massachusetts Adjutant Generals Office - (1937) - 5736 pages !
Memorial History of the Seventeenth Regiment, Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry (old and new organizations) in the Civil War from 1861-1865 - (1911) - Thomas Kirwan - 484 pages
Memorial service in memory of the dead of the First regt. Massachusetts volunteer infantry, 1861-64 - (1911) - 18 pages
Memories of the civil war - (1898) - Henry B. James - 133 pages
Monuments, tablets and other memorials erected in Massachusetts to commemorate the service of her sons in the war of the rebellion, 1861-1865 - (1910) - Alfred Seelye Roe - 133 pages
Our roll of honor (- (1870) - John Forrester Devereux - 63 pages
Ours, Annals of 10th Regiment, Massachusetts Volunteers in the Rebellion - (1875) - Joseph Keith Newell - 634 pages
Passages from the Life of Henry Warren Howe, consisting of diary and letters written during the civil war, 1816-1865. A condensed history of the Thirtieth Massachusetts regiment and its flags, together with the genealogies of the different branches of the family .. - (1899) - Henry Warren Howe - 211 pages
Political opinion in Massachusetts during Civil War and reconstruction - (1917) - Edith Ellen Ware - 219 pages
Record of the 33rd Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry : from Aug. 1862 to Aug. 1865 - (1880) - Andrew J Boies - 168 pages
Record of the Massachusetts volunteers, 1861-1865. Published by the Adjutant General, under a resolve of the General Court Volume 1 - (1868) - Massachusetts. Adjutant General's Office - 793 pages
Record of the Massachusetts volunteers, 1861-1865. Published by the Adjutant General, under a resolve of the General Court Volume 2 - (1868) - Massachusetts. Adjutant General's Office - 1085 pages
Record of the service of the 44th Massachusetts Volunteer Militia in North Carolina, August 1862 to May 1863 - (1887) - James Brown Gardner - 364 pages
Records of the Massachusetts volunteer militia called out by the Governor of Massachusetts to suppress a threatened invasion during the war of 1812-14 - (1913) - Massachusetts Adjutant Generals Office - 472 pages
Register of the Military Order of the Loyal Legion of the United States - (1906) - Military Order of the Loyal Legion of the United States - 250 pages
Reminiscences of military service in the Forty-third regiment, Massachusetts infantry, during the great Civil war, 1862-63 - (1883) - Edward H . Rogers - 210 pages
Reminiscences of the 34th Regiment, Mass. Vol. Infantry - (1871) – Dennis L. Clark - 50 pages
Roll of honor, Groton, Massachusetts - (1897) - Samuel A. Green - 6 pages
Roster of Company I, 24th Regiment, Massachusetts Volunteers - (1902) - Association of the Survivors of Co. I - 15 pages
Roster, Forty sixth regiment, M.V.M. - (1886) - Massachusetts infantry 46th regt. - 24 pages
Soldiers of Oakham, Massachusetts, in the revolutionary war, the war of 1812 and the Civil war - (1914) - Henry Parks Wright - 325 pages
Souvenir. First Regiment of Heavy Artilleries, Massachusetts volunteers. Dedication of monument, May 19, 1901 - (1901) - R. Iguana - 60 pages
Story of Co. F, 23rd Massachusetts Volunteers, in the War for the Union, 1861-1865 - (1896) - Herbert Eugene Valentine - 166 pages
The 55th Massachusetts volunteer infantry - (1917) - Burt G. Wilder - 12 pages
The 57th Regiment of Massachusetts volunteers in the war of the rebellion. Army of the Potomac - (1896) - John Anderson - 598 pages
The 5th regiment Massachusetts volunteer infantry in its three tours of duty 1861, 1862-'63, 1864 - (1911) - Alfred S. Roe - 526 pages
The Bay State 44th : A Regimental Record - (1863) - De Forest Safford - 32 pages
The Campaign of the 45th Regiment, Massachusetts Volunteer militia - (1882) - Charles Eustis Hubbard; Frank H. Shapleigh - 126 pages
The Color-Guard; being a Corporal's Notes of Military Service in the Nineteenth Army Corps - (1864) - James Kendall Hosmer - 244 pages
The Fifty-third Regiment Massachusetts Volunteers. Comprising also a history of the siege of Port Hudson - (1889) - Henry Augustus Willis - 247 pages
The history of the Tenth Massachusetts battery of light artillery in the war of the rebellion: - (1909) - John Davis Billings - 498 pages
The history of the Twenty-ninth regiment of Massachusetts volunteer infantry, in the late war of the rebellion - (1877) - William H. Osborne - 393 pages
The Melrose memorial : the annals of Melrose, county of Middlesex, Massachusetts, in the great rebellion of 1861-'65 - (1868) - Elbridge Henry Goss - 317 pages
The record of Athol, Massachusetts, in suppressing the great rebellion - (1866) - John F. Norton - 264 pages
The record of the Second Massachusetts infantry, 1861-65 - (1867) - Alonzo Hall Quint - 532 pages
The story of Company A, Twenty-fifth Regiment Mass. Vols. in the War of the Rebellion - (1886) - Samuel Henry Putham - 352 pages
The story of the First Massachusetts light battery, attached to the Sixth army corps : A glance at events in the armies of the Potomac and Shenandoah, from the summer of 1861 to the autumn of 1864 - (1886) - Andrew J. Bennett - 238 pages
The story of the Thirty eighth regiment of Massachusetts volunteers - (1866) - George Whitefield Powers - 313 pages
The story of the Thirty-second regiment, Massachusetts infantry. Whence it came; where it went; what it saw, and what it did - (1880) - Francis Jewett Parker - 280 pages
The Tenth regiment, Massachusetts volunteer infantry, 1861-1864, a western Massachusetts regiment - (1909) - Alfred Seelye Roe - 533 pages
The Third Massachusetts cavalry in the war for the union - (1903) - Ewer, James Kendall - 116 pages
The Third Massachusetts Regiment Volunteer Militia in the War of the Rebellion, 1861-1863 - (1906) - Gammons, John Gray - 326 pages
The Third Massachusetts Regiment Volunteer Militia in the War of the Rebellion, 1861-1863 - (1906) - John Gray Gammons - 358 pages
The Thirty-ninth Regiment Massachusetts Volunteers, 1862-1865 - (1914) - Alfred Seelye Roe - 519 pages
The three years' service of the Thirty-third Mass. infantry regiment 1862-1865. And the campaigns and battles of Chancellorsville, Beverley's ford, Gettysburg, Wauhatchie, Chattanooga, Atlanta, the march to the sea and through the Carolinas, in which it took part - (1880) - Adin Ballou Underwood - 362 pages
The twentieth regiment of Massachusetts volunteer infantry, 1861-1865 - (1906) - George Anson Bruce - 519 pages
The Twenty-fourth regiment, Massachusetts volunteers, 1861-1866 - (1907) - Alfred Seelye Roe - 531 pages
Three years in the army. The story of the Thirteenth Massachusetts Volunteers from July 16, 1861, to August 1, 1864 - (1894) - Charles E. Davis - 476 pages
War diary and letters of Stephen Minot Weld, Massachusetts Infantry Regiment, 56th, 1861-1865 - (1912) - Stephen Minot Weld
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