Sent by promptly from Helsinki, Finland.Description:Sistema Kalinka is a step-by-step learning method. This is book 1, where you will start from zero and reach a vocabulary of 500 words. After completing this book you will acquire basic reading, listening and speaking skills and you will be able to communicate in simple everyday situations.

This book is divided into 10 lessons, with the following sections: Vocabulary (with audio), dialogues (with audio), text (with audio), grammar and exercises (with solutions). The book has 170 pages and includes 80 minutes of audio.

These are the general contents of this book:

Grammar contents. Learn the most basic concepts of Russian grammar:

Your first verbs in present and past tense.
Gender in Russian: masculine, feminine and neuter.
Numbers in Russian: singular and plural.
The nominative case of nouns, adjectives and possessive pronouns.
Personal pronouns in nominative and accusative.
The prepositional case: usage and endings.
Further learning of verbs in the present and past tenses.
All endings of adjectives in the nominative case.
First adverbs and question words.
The use of accusative with a motion.
Special uses of the accusative and prepositional.
Vocabulary contents. Learn 500 new words about the following topics:

Introductions, greetings and farewells.
Friends and family.
Professions and workplace.
Nationalities and countries.
Describing your home town.
Your first numbers.
Days of the week and time.
More vocabulary regarding descriptions.
Language and language skills.
Daily activities and meals.


El Sistema Kalinka es un metodo de ensenanza del ruso creado por la escuela Red Kalinka. Con la informacion obtenida durante 100.000 clases individuales de ruso, hemos elaborado este sistema dividido en cuatro libros.

En el libro 1 empezaras desde cero y alcanzaras un vocabulario de 500 palabras. Adquiriras habilidades basicas para leer, escuchar y hablar ruso, y podras comunicarte en situaciones simples (familia, amigos, trabajo, actividades cotidianas...).
El libro incluye un CD de 80 minutos de audio con los textos, dialogos de todas las lecciones y las listas de vocabulario. Cada libro del Sistema Kalinka marca un logro importante dentro de tu proceso de aprendizaje. Los libros 1 y 2 te permitiran tener un conocimiento de 1000 palabras (niveles A1-A2). Si completas los cuatro libros, alcanzaras el nivel B1-B2 que te permitira expresarte en ruso con un vocabulario de mas de 3000 palabras. Ademas, tu
conocimiento de ruso sera suficiente para realizar el examen TORFL-1 / TPKI-1 de ruso para extranjeros.