Sent by promptly from Helsinki, Finland.Description:V osnovu uchebnika polozhen kurs istorii anglijskogo jazyka, prepodavaemyj v techenie rjada let aspirantam i soiskateljam, obuchajuschimsja v aspiranture MGIMO MID Rossii po spetsialnosti 10.02.04 — «Germanskie jazyki». Uchebnik postroen po tematicheskomu printsipu i soderzhit teoreticheskij material po osnovnym faktam i javlenijam istoricheskoj fonologii, leksikologii, morfologii i sintaksisa anglijskogo jazyka. Zadanija k temam pozvoljajut prokontrolirovat stepen usvoenija materiala. Unikalnaja osobennost podachi materiala sostoit v tom, chto vse temy, predstavlennye v uchebnike, raspolozheny v alfavitnom porjadke i imejut primerno odinakovyj obem: kazhdaja iz nikh zanimaet odnu stranitsu. Prednaznachaetsja dlja soiskatelej uchenoj stepeni po spetsialnostjam 10.02.04 — «Germanskie jazyki» i 10.02.20 — «Sravnitelno-istoricheskoe, tipologicheskoe i sopostavitelnoe jazykoznanie», a takzhe dlja studentov jazykovykh vuzov i fakultetov inostrannykh jazykov. The book is largely based on the educational course in history of English, which has been taught for some years in the Moscow State Institute of International Relations of the Russian Foreign Ministry to postgraduate students specializing in Germanic languages. The coursebook is constructed as a reference guide and provides theoretical information on the basic facts and phenomena of historical phonology, lexicology, morphology and syntax of English. The theoretical part is supplied with an inventory of topical tasks that can be given to exercis...