Owen Brannigan
Sheila Rex
Trevor Anthony
English Opera Group Orchestra
Norman Del Mar
Benjamin Britten, piano
The Wandsworth School Boy's Choir
Russell Burgess
Benjamin Britten (1913-1976)
Noye's Fludde
1. Lord Jesus, think on me
2. I God, that all this worlde hath wroughte
3. Have done, you men and wemen all
4. Now in the name of God I will begyne
5. Noye, Noye, take thou thy company
6. Wiffe, come in! why standes thou their?
7. Ha! Children, me thinkes my botte removes
8. Now forty dayes are fullie gone
9. Noye, take thy wife anone
10. Noye, heare I behette thee a heste
11. The spacious firmament on high
The Golden Vanity
12. There was a ship came from the North Country
13. Then up spake the Cabin-boy
14. Casting his clothes off, he dived into the sea
15. They laid him on the deck