Unread with black remainder mark on the bottom page edges and light cover rubs
Additional Details
Subject keyword: WW2; eyewitness accounts; soldier stories; interviews; reportage; American army; US navy; US military; Allies; Allied victory; Axis powers; atomic bomb; death camps; concentration camps; Vicksburg; Masters of the Air; City of the Century; Supreme City; D Days in the Pacific; wartime; wwi; warfare; images of war series; prisoners of war; 1940s; royal navy; naval operations; maritime battle; aircraft; dunkirk; airplane; aviation and space; france; germany; officer; england; nazi; biography and autobiography; conflict; russia; german; personal memoirs; italy; raf; second world war stories; ww ii battles; two world wars; henry miller; world war 2 stories; two stories; war history stories; best picture 1940; henry ii; originals synopsis