Starring Jock Mahoney, Greta Thyssen, Anthony Dexter, Jesse White,
Valerie Porter
Directed by Leon Chooluck
Print: black/white
Runtime: 86 min.
Genre: drama
Print Quality: B
Another low-budget, clichéd detective yarn, Three Blondes in his Life
features Jock Mahoney as a private eye who is intent on figuring out the
reasons for the death of one of his acquaintances, an insurance
investigator. As the detective gets to work on the case, he uncovers the
investigator's sordid past that indicates there may be several people who
would not mourn his passing. The blondes are mainly there to look
comely, and the private eye gets to show off some good stunt work in one
fight scene as the mystery of the death of the investigator starts to be