Illustrated directions and patterns are provided for more than 40 art projects from cultures around the world.
African Art: Head Sculptures, Ndebele Village, Akan Adinkra Cloth, more!
Native American Art: Navajo Sand Painting, Plains Indian Sheild, Kachina Doll, more!
Asian Art: Chinese Dragon, Japanese Fish Rubbing, Asian Theater Headdress, more!
Hispanic Art: Mexican Bird Rattle, Pinata, Mexican Tree of Life, More!
Colonial American Art: Bargello Needlepoint, Corn Husk Dolls, Quilling, More!
Art of Ancient Civilizations: Mosaics, Egyptian Cartouche, Royal Incan Litter, More!
Art of Other Cultures: Philippine Sarimanok, Panamanian Mola, French Jumping Dolls, More!