ITEM: Forty-Two (42) KIN SHRINER Clippings
DESCRIPTION: Forty-Two (42) KIN SHRINER Color and B&W Clippings
Four (4) Color Clippings - 1 = 5"x8" / Thirty (30) B&W Clippings - 1 = 4"x11" / Six (6) B&W Quarter-Page Articles / Two (2) B&W Half-Page Articles
Kin Shriner is an American actor
Last seen on: "General Hospital" as Scott Baldwin (2022)
Best known for playing: Scotty Baldwin on "General Hospital" (1977-2022)
Also seen in/on: The Chair, The Young and the Restless (Jeffrey Bardwell), Gotham the Series, Hoot, Justice League (Green Arrow voice), As The World Turns (Keith Morrissey), Port Charles (Scotty Baldwin), Echo, Subliminal Seduction, The Crying Child, Droid Runner, A Bucket of Blood, The Skateboard Kid II, Deadly Medicine, Escape, War and Remembrance, Angel III: The Final Chapter, Kidnapped, Vendetta, Manhunter, Avenging Angel, Obsessive Love, Shaft Of Love, Young Doctors In Love, Texas (Jeb Hampton), and more
Sizes: 2"x2" to 5"x10" each
Clippings are Rare and Hard-to-Find from various magazine sources
All clippings are original (no photo copies)
COPYRIGHT: one B&W clipping from Teen Beat (1978); Tiger Beat, Tiger Beat Star, Tiger Beat Super Special, Tiger Beat Star Lovebook, 16 Magazine, Super Teen, Teen Machine, Dream Guys, Who's Who in Movies, Teen Stars Photo Album, Super Star Special #12, Movie Mirror (1980-1986); two B&W clippings from Who's Who in TV (1990, 1992)
FLAWS: None. Yellowing, if any, is due to age
POSTAGE: FREE (USA Only) / $8.85 (Canada) / $9.85 (Mexico) / $11.85 (United Kingdom) / $15.85 (Australia) / $19.85 (Germany) / $13.85 (All Other Countries)
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