Brand new factory sealed vhs tape is Out Of Print (OOP) in all formats and no longer being manufactured. Full screen version is perfect for old school tube TVs as the image will fill your square screen.

In this quickie musical, Elvis plays both Josh, an Air Force officer, and Jodie, his twin hillbilly cousin. Josh is trying to convince Tennesee moon-shiner Arthur O'Connell to let the military install ICBMs in his mountain. His stubborn cousin doesn't have much patience for city-folk and the two face off over the government land deal. They provide a double-dose of humour and hits to match when both Elvises sing 'One Boy, Two Little Girls', 'Catchin' On Fast' and other non-hits.

They dance, find romance, and encounter the Kittyhawks, "13 man-starved women" from a nearby village. Glenda Farrell is the duo's Ma. Jack Albertson is a captain. Pamela Austin and Yvonne Craig (TVs original Batgirl) are barefoot 'Daisy Duke' types in their shorts and halter tops.