La piedra conocida como Azabache, tambien llamada ambar negro, ha sido utilizado desde epocas muy antiguas como amuletos y como parte importante de diversos rituales magicos. Esto es debido a que se considera que protege frente a las influencias negativas, males de ojo y maleficios, su energía es enorme y poderosa. Si lo llevas muy cerca tuyo junto con una pieza de cuarzo transparente, que es una piedra que atrae la energía positiva, su poder se reafirmara y te resultara mas facil entablar relaciones.
The stone known as Jet, also called black amber, has been used since ancient times as amulets and as an important part of many magical rituals. This is because it is considered to protect against negative influences, evil eye and curses, his energy is huge and powerful. If you take it very close to yours along with a piece of clear quartz, which is a stone that attracts positive energy, and reaffirm their power will be easier to build relationships.