Three different 1947 Original 11" x 14" Lobby Cards (Card numbers 2, 3, & 7)

For You I Die, the 1947 John Reinhardt crime film noir ("'Kiss me and keep kissing me...'"; "Until you can make me forget!"; "Here the unbelievable story of life and love that will shock you!"; "DEADLY... to expose!"; "DANGEROUS... to oppose!"; "DESTRUCTIVE... to defy."; "Raw! Relentless! Real drama torn from life - - ripped from a woman's soul!"; about a young man in prison who is coming up for parole, but some hardened inmates force him to help them escape, but then, while on the loose, he meets a girl and falls in love, and together, they help the police capture the escaped convicts, which wins him his release) starring Cathy Downs, Paul Langton, Mischa Auer, Roman Bohnen, Marion Kerby, Jane Weeks, and Manuela Callejo.

The lobby cards are complete and in overall  VERY GOOD condition with some some edge wear. Cards 3 & 7 have a few small pinholes in the corners. Cards 2 & 7 have some tape stains on the white borders (see pictures)

The lobby card is unused and has no pin holes, tears, tape marks, edge wear, fold creases or stains.
Near Mint
The image artwork area is in excellent condition and a few clean pin holes in the borders may be apparent. Some light edge wear may be apparent from storage, age or from the previous owner. The age of the lobby card often can determine this. Careful framing will disguise this.
The image is clear of any defects with the exception of clean pin holes, small scuffs or wrinkles. You may find slight stains and maybe clean pieces of tape or slight creases in corners or on the reverse side of the lobby card. Some slight edge wear or creases along borders may potentially also be present, careful framing will disguise this.
Very Good
A lobby card of this condition may have pin holes in corners, some small tears or fading and some slight scuffing or light wear along the borders. Maybe some slight staining and creases in the image and slight creases, paper separation or slight pen marks along the borders. The lobby card of this condition will display nicely as the signs of wear are largely on the edges and borders and any good framer will be able to disguise these with matting and a decent frame. 
Typically this type of lobby card will show its flaws. Some staining or fading could be present with tearing, paper separation or pen marks along the borders and in the image. Corner creases or small creases in the image are present.Pin holes will also be present from being displayed in cinemas.
Poor / Fair
Pieces of the image could be missing in key areas and the lobby card could be significantly stained. All of the above flaws in the categories mentioned would be present. Certain defects that may not be able to be repaired. This type of card would be bought usually on the basis that it is virtually impossible to get on its own or if it is a set it is very sought after due to it being complete.