Color Blue Dio Drybrush

Drybrushing is an old school technique that has been used by modellers for decades. With it, we try to emphasize the three-dimensional appearance of the different textures and details of our models. Due to its simplicity and quick application, it was used in the movie industry to paint sets and models. For many years it was the most used technique by all modellers all around the globe. Although other new weathering techniques appeared eventually, drybrushing is still widely used for dioramas and groundwork, buildings, science fiction and wargames, fantasy, figures, and military vehicles. It is a versatile and easy to use technique that can produce convincing effects of volume, authentic textures, and highlight details on any model.

AMMO has designed a new paint formula specifically for drybrushing with the ideal density and specific characteristics that make it the best type of paint for this technique. The new DIO DRY BRUSH is the perfect sol