Animal Adventures brings intelligent animal characters to your favourite fantasy roleplaying game! Dungeons and Doggies is the first in a planned series of Animal Adventures releases! It is a set of highly detailed miniatures combining some favourite dog breeds with the different classes of the fifth edition of the world's greatest roleplaying game!
- This set features not only the miniatures in preassembled ready-to-play or paint PVC, but also a bespoke set of fifth edition compatible rules for using your Animal Adventure miniatures and playing as dogs in ANY campaign setting.
- You will be able to mix canine characters with your regular adventuring party or create an entire doggy team of heroes to save the world!
- The miniatures also make perfect companions and familiars for your existing characters in any fantasy setting or game!
- Contents: Cornelius (Golden Retriever Wizard) Tedric (The Chihuahua Rogue) Cerysse (St. Bernard Cleric) Svetlana (Beagle Barbarian) Morgaine (Daschund Sorceror) Flint (Blueheel Ranger)