A reboot of the smash-hit 2001 series, The Proud Family: Louder and Prouder follows the story of Penny Proud, a 14-year-old girl and her family, as they navigate their lives in the 2020s.
Trudy, Penny's mom, has new career highs, Oscar, Penny's dad, has wild dreams, and Penny faces a myriad of challenges while her Suga Mama returns, as does Michael, Dijonay, Zoey, and LaCienega.
Funko's new wave of The Proud Family Pop! Vinyl Figures features a range of favourites from the show. Here we have the 70s funko-loving Uncle Bobby, who also has his own band, DisFunkshunal Junction.
Make your family proud by adding The Proud Family to your Funko collection today!