This is PRETTY PAIR that our eldest Albina has 3X CAST with a powerful "Remember Me" spell. This particular spell sends thoughts of you out to another. Albina felt that Topaz was the perfect gemstone to imbue with this spell! What is also very interesting about this spell's Magick is that Albina says the sender will "feel" exactly when the receiver is thinking about them. She says that this "feeling" is a sense that the "connection has been completed" and that it feels very "peaceful and reassuring" as if one has just gotten off of the phone with their loved one or friend. :)
Albina adds that this spell is very useful when one finds themselves in a situation where conventional communication is just not possible or even when one is dealing with a relationship that is strained or in despair. She explains that she has had the pleasure of assisting many by consecrating pieces with this very spell. She has even witnessed a longtime & dear friend who was able to reconcile with an estranged son thanks in part to this very Magick she had imbued her friend's ring with. She says that within 2 weeks time after consecrating her ring, her friend's son contacted her after he said he had been thinking of her often and he began to miss her. As a result, Albina says that this spell's magick is a wonderful method to initiate communication where there has been none because of the way that it "bridges the gap" between people. She also adds that this spell can be used for gaining contact with spiritual beings and spirit Totems where communication is either first introduced or intensified. Many Thanks and Blessings to Albina for all of her assistance and GREAT wisdom!
My reader says that this ring emits a "many waves of powerful, comforting vibrations" She could also detect a "very wide area" of energy that she feels "open a channel to assist in higher communication" than that which is possible by the usual forms of communication. She also felt that this piece sends out a strong energy through this channel that comes through "without interference" to the receiver. However, my reader does want me to make it very clear that the receiver can "do what they wish" with this information. In other words, even though only positive thoughts are being sent to the receiver, this does not mean that the receiver will contact the sender, only that they will be sent positive thoughts of the sender. Still, these positive messages may at the very least help to initiate contact with another that is otherwise impossible. She describes this spell's energy as making it possible to gain a "extraordinary connection" to others that may result in a deeper connection or possibly the beginning of the healing process. She adds that this piece's aura is a bright pink with "streaks" of gold. Many Thanks to my reader for all of her time and effort as well as all of you!
Albina advises that one wear or carry this piece as often as possible over a period of 2 weeks. She also advises that one wrap this piece in a white cloth or a piece of fine fabric before storing it away. In closing Albina sent her "sincere and Warm" wishes! My Own Warmest wishes and Thanks to Albina for all of her devoted time and energies!