This item is a compilation of old Amiga Public Domain games set up ready to run for the new The A500 Mini reproduction console. It contains 2,200+ games. The game categories include arcade, action, adventure, RPG, and strategy. To use it, you just have to plug the USB stick into The A500 Mini, then you'll see the USB stick has appeared as a new item on the carousel menu (see picture). Click on that and you enter a sub menu of games inside text based directories marked A, B, C, D, etc, which you can click on to view a selection of games all beginning with the same letter of the alphabet (see picture). You then click on any of the game titles to launch that particular game. The pictures are just for illustration. The USB stick type and games selection may be different. Buyers will also receive a link to a website containing a large collection of manuals for Amiga games. Many games are very difficult or almost impossible to play without reading the manual.