Color: Mixed
Quantity: 20 seeds
Very interesting bonsai plants Coltivation: This species in spite of its great beauty, pass as unworthy of cultivation because it is a winter grower, nevertheless it is easy to grow and clumps readily, forming a beautiful succulent mat. Titanopsis grow well during the autumn; needs moderate water when growing in late fall and early spring. Keep somewhat dry the rest of the time. Like all living rocks, they thrive in porous soils with excellent drainage. They can tolerate high heat and heavy frost (hardy to -10° C). It is a very rewarding succulent, and can be cultivated in desert gardens in warm climates or in greenhouses or windowsills in the home. Enjoys bright shade in summer and full sun in the other seasons.
Propagation: They grow quickly from seed that germinates in 1 - 2 weeks or by division of larger clumps.