The 1st Influencer brand created by the biggest social media superstar in professional hair styling.
#mydentity Dual Booster Color Max for impact color effects.

Use #mydentity Dual Booster for:
Direct Application: Apply required amount of #mydentity Dual Booster directly on pre-lightened, dry hair.
Can be mixed with #mydentity Guy_Tang Permanent or Demi-Permanent Developer (6-40V) for desired consistency. Process for 20 minutes. Rinse & condition with desired care products.
Customizing, boosting, correcting or neutralizing any #mydentity Guy_Tang shade: Incorporate desired amount of #mydentity Dual Booster ? up to 50% ? to enhance any #mydentity Permanent or Demi-Permanent formulation. Process according to the Permanent or Demi-Permanent formulation.