DESCRIPTION: Fifty (50) JAMES McNICHOL Color and B&W Clippings
Five (5) Color Clippings / Forty-One (41) B&W Clippings / Two (2) B&W Quarter-Page Articles / Two (2) B&W Half-Page Articles
Jimmy McNichol is an American actor, singer
Last seen on: "Decker" as Son of Dracula (2017)
Best known as: Josh Clayton on "General Hospital" (1984-1985)
Also seen in/on: Reason for Living: The Jill Ireland Story, First the Egg, Me, Safe Harbor, California Cowboys, Butcher Baker Nightmare Maker, Smokey Bites the Dust, Blinded by the Light, California Fever (Vince Butler), Champions: A Love Story, The Fitzpatricks (Jack Fitzpatrick), Me and Dad's New Wife, Stranded, and more
Sizes: 2"x2" to 6"x10" each
Clippings are Rare and Hard-to-Find from various magazine sources
All clippings are original (no photo copies)
COPYRIGHT: Teen Pin-Ups, Tiger Beat, Tiger Beat Annual, Tiger Beat Teen View, 16 Magazine, Super Teen, Teen Bag (1978-1979); Tiger Beat, Tiger Beat Star, Tiger Beat Super Special, Teen Stars Photo Album, Teen Beat, Teen Beat Top Teens, Teen Machine, 16 Magazine, Teen Spectacular, Teen Machine, Super Teen, Suepr Teen Yearbook, Bop (1980-1981, 1983-1985)
FLAWS: None. Yellowing, if any, is due to age
POSTAGE: FREE (USA Only) / $8.85 (Canada) / $9.85 (Mexico) / $11.85 (United Kingdom) / $15.85 (Australia) / $19.85 (Germany) / $13.85 (All Other Countries)
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