Bouganvillea mix color live plants 5inches"+ I have all colors.available in the picture firs before purchasesend me a message to see.if I have that color and qty available Bougainvillea mix colors live plants 6"+ .all colors are beutifull healthy plants....roots are stablish and ready to ship....If you want you can send me a message of what colors you want from the picture and i will let you know if i have it in what ever qty you can mix and match i also have the verigated are the list of available colors BENGAL ORANGE PEACH VARIEGATED LEAVES.......VANILLA ICE VARIGATED LEAVES WHITE FLOWER.....RASPBERRY ICE VARIGATED LEAVES FUSHIA...BLUEBERRY ICE VARIGATED LEAVES VIOLET.......PIXIE VARIGATED YELLOW LEAVES PINK CLUSTER FLOWERS.....IMPERIAL DELIGHT WHITE WITH TOP PINK FLOWER......MS ALICE WHITE 2.5" FLOWERS....SNOW WHITE FLOWER.....SUNDOWN ORANGE APRICOT FLOWER.... ISABEL VIOLET FLOWER.....SILUET LILAC 2.5" FLOWERS.....BARBARA KARTS PINK FUSHIA......