The Portuguese King has called the finest stonemasons of the country to pave one of the most important squares with calcada tiles (worldwide famous black and white tiles that pave several squares in Portugal). But the task is enormous and players will have to count with the aid of helper cards who will help them score points and/or collect money.

Players start the game by drawing 5 cards and keeping 3 of them on their hands.

On a player's turn, players will first recruit a card from their hands, placing it on the rightmost space under their player board, sliding to the left all cards previously recruited, discarding the card that slides off their boards (under each player board there are only 3 card slots). If the newly recruited card is played face-up, players must pay its cost in coins. If the card is played face-down, no money needs to be spent.

Then, ALL cards under a player board will activate: face-up cards will give the player Points for each time the pa