UNIVERSAL PYRAMID spell Cast for you by 91 year old Witch
Albina will cast her POTENT spell amazing spell called "The Universal Pyramid". This is a complex spell and it is regarded as "extremely High Magick" according to Albina and was named as such because of it's ability to "draw in energy in pyramid form over the bearer". The spell promotes protection, deflects harmful energies, increases strengths, greatly enhances psychic powers and draws in VAST amounts of "pristeen" energies that assist with visions and communication with higher realms that bestow ancient knowledge, power and direction!
Albina explains that this spell will protect one against negativity and victimization by those with dissenting energies while also deflecting harmful energies within the environment (even spiritual energies!). In turn, The spell increases emotional strengths, intellect, physical endurance as well as one's spiritual well being. Albina adds that this form of Magick also draws in energies that magify psychic ability to the point in which one may even briefly view the world through another's eyes via connection with their encompassing energy field! However, she does note that there is a STRONG protective element within this spell that will not allow you or the person in which one 'visits" to be harmed, nor will the person one 'visits' be consciously aware of this brief connection!) She says that after one experiences such a connection with another, most usually find that this is a life altering experience allowing them a greater understanding of others as well as themsleves.
To add, this spell's drawing energies act as Albina puts it "as a spiraling force" reaching to invite visions that are communiacted with clarity from higher realms for the bearer. This power also facilitates clear communication with the spiritual world of the ancient tribal communities located throughout the world. She also noted that this same force also enhances encounters with otherworldly beings and GREATLY assists in revealing universal mysteries as well as unity of direction for one!! She closed by stating that this spell "is one I feel Blessed to have taken part in it's creation" and she adds that " I thank my Elders every time cast this spell for the knowledge that they provided that made such Magickal work possible". MY Thanks and DEEPEST respect to Albina for all of her time and amazing talents!
Albina will cast this AMAZING spell on your behalf!!!!