Theatre Arts
Most issues publish a complete play (With photographs from the current production), as well as reviews, photos and features about the theater, theatre arts, current productions on Broadway, off Broadway, Opera, plus fabulous vintage ADS, and MORE -- Exclusive MORE MAGAZINES detailed content description, below!

Issue Date: JANUARY, 1957; Volume XLI, No. 1
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THE COVER: SPECIAL OPERA ISSUE: PATRICE MUNSEL in the title role of the new Metropolitan Opera pro- duction of Offenbach's La Perichole. On page 34, Maurice Valency, who provided the production's English text, discusses the background of the opera and its new presentation. Color photograph by Seawell of Paul Hesse Studios.
THEATRE ARTS is grateful to Emily Coleman, who regularly conducts our Opera House section, for her assistance in the planning of this special opera issue. As music and dance editor of Newsweek, Miss Coleman has followed these fields for more than fifteen years.

About "Arabella".
Arabella, opera by Richard Strauss; English version of the Hugo von Hofmannsthal libretto by John Gutman.


La Perichole: French Without Tears by Maurice Valency.
New Horizons for an Old Art by Robert W. Sarnoff.
West Germany -- Land of Operatic Opportunity by Franz Spelman.
The Met Broadcasts: More Than Meets the Ear by Milton Cross.
A Quarter Century of Happy Opera Listening by Mary Ellis Peltz.
Soiree for a Soprano.
The Met Season: Early Returns.
Chicago's Lyric -- Scorched But Soaring by Claudia Cassidy.
San Francisco's Season by Alfred Frankenstein.
The City Center Story by Emily Coleman.
Pedigree of the Prima Donna by Francis Robinson.
The Deathless Diva Carries On by Emily Coleman.
Who Called That Recording a Performance? by Irving Kolodin.
Opera in High Fidelity, and Vice Versa by John M. Conly.
The Fine Art of Auditioning Young Singers by John Gutman.

The Old Vic Company.
Separate Tables.
The Best House in Naples.
Major Barbara.
Auntie Maine.
The Sleeping Prince.
Long Day's Journey into Night.
Child of Fortune.
A Very Special Baby.
Li'l Abner.
Girls of Summer.

CITY CENTER SEASON: The Teahouse of the August Moon.

OFF BROADWAY: Diary of a Scoundrel.

DEPARTMENTS: Calendar of Theatre Arts; Good Opera Reading by Harriett Johnson; Offstage; Theatre, USA, by Alice Griffin; Famous American Theatres; Letters.

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Magazine is COMPLETE and in VERY GOOD condition. (See photo)