Pyrite Tumbled Stone Peru Healing Crystal 

This is a listing for ONE tumbled stone(s) selected from the lot shown.

Size is 25-30mm across, about 1” - 1-1/4” across. These are nice, chunky stones with great energy!

Chakra: Solar Plexus

Element: Earth

Astrological Sign: Leo

Number: Vibrates to 3

Hardness: 6-6.5

Harmonizes with: Zincite and Carnelian for male issues; Prehnite, Libyan Gold, Tektite to strengthen Third Chakra; Hematite for grounding.


Pyrite is the go to stone for male issues – enhances masculinity and male reproductive health.



Protects against disease

Facilitates grounding

Balances polarity

Creates harmony within the auric field

Shields from negativity

Protects against danger

Helps one overcome fear

Promotes a positive attitude

Enables one to take action

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