Large Lot of Vintage European Travel Ephemera. Most items are from 1959 and span the countries of France, Italy, Spain, Portugal and Switzerland. Included items are:
Michelin Guidebook to Paris (English)
Air France Travel Brochure
Paris Booklet
Paris Map, Hotel Receipt
Pan Am Clipperwise Magazine
Air France Travel Brochures
Rome Guidebook / Booklet
(4) Postcards
(2) Hotel Receipts
El Escorial Book, 1957 (English)
Madrid Castellana Hilton Hotel Brochures, Receipt
(8) Postcards + (1) Postcard Pack
(6) miscellaneous Receipts, Ticket Stubs, Maps
(9) Postcards
(3) Postcards
CONDITION: Mixed/fair. Many of the maps, receipts and small paper items are creased and folded, with wear and tear(s). The binding of the El Escorial book is shot, and a few of the postcards are used/have writing (most do not, however). Miscellaneous handwriting elsewhere on a few pieces - please see last photo. Overall, a really neat ephemera lot for a glimpse into European travel circa 1959.