A few years ago I spent no small amount of time and effort transcribing soundtracks and compiling all the lyrics for a White Christmas Sing-Along.  I was rather surprised to not find it all on the internet, neatly organized and ready to go.  Having gotten the idea for the Sing-Along from a local community event, surely there must be others who have had the same idea and would benefit from having all the lyrics, in order, for their own White Christmas traditions.  

To save you quite a bit of time and effort and allow you to share in the benefit of my endeavor, included in this PDF are all the words to the musical, as performed by the Crosby-Kaye-Ellen-Clooney cast.

I have compiled all the words to all the songs in sequential order and formatted it for printing.  After you purchase this document you can download it right away to print as full-pages, or in booklet form as your printer will allow.