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Madam Crawley will custom conjure your own Personal Venarpian Concubine Vampire. This is an INCREDIBLE opportunity, and I know she will soon have to raise her price because there is so much time and effort that goes into summoning, conjuring and bonding an Entity such as this. The name of your Venarpian Concubine Vampire will be given to you after the Binding, along with information on how to connect and task your beautiful new friend.
Just FEW of the Gifts Your Venarpian will bring to you. Keep reading to learn more:
leave them craving you and wanting MORE, MORE, MORE!
If you’ve had your eye on someone and they’ve been ignoring you, simply “task” your Vampire, and She will set about getting you what you want!
Feel secure and at ease in any situation. Being relaxed and confident is a fantastic gift.
* PSYCHIC ABILITIES, of many kind, but specifically to draw to you as many playmates and sexual partners as you wish!
Please note: If you simply want LOVE in your life, your Venarpian Concubine Vampire will honor and respect that, and bring you wholesome love of the deepest kind. She is just as happy to serve any gender, she has no preference.
Will she pleasure me HERSELF? Yes, she would LOVE TO, but only if that is what you want. Venarpian Concubine Vampire want what YOU WANT!
The Venarpian Concubine Vampire are bred to bring pleasure. Pleasure of the flesh mind and others senses. They make life long companions and are loyal, familiar and also love to bring decadence for themselves and their keeper. They delight in lazing around all day then lifting one finger and getting everything done. Such is their power! In their home realm many centuries ago they were an enslaved race and used sexually to pleasure their masters and their masters friends. Sometimes they were even gifted to enemies as peace offerings. They suffered much during these times, and will no doubt tell you more about it as your bond grows. About 130 years ago a catastrophic event wiped out most of their home realm. The masters of the Venarpian Concubines were hit hardest as they were of mortal construct like us. Taking advantage of the situation the Venarpian Concubines grabbed the spoils and took command of the realm. They became decadent and rich in the mean time. Some of these curious and sensual creatures have recently come looking for human, companions. They miss the bond they had before with their masters, but this time seek a more mutually satisfactory situation. Not to be enslaved but to serve of free will. They do love to please, as it is in their core nature.
Please leave your name and date of birth in the notes section upon ordering, or send me an email with this information. The rituals are quite complex and may take from 2 - 3 days for completion.
This is a CUSTOM DIRECT CONJURING, and nothing needs to be shipped.
General Attributes of our Vampire Collections: Please continue to read down further. These attributes apply to all Vampire Entities that WE provide you with. Please be careful about buying Vampires from less reputable sources. We have been selling our Magick and other Venues for over 10 years and have 100% Positive feedback. We always provide instructions and advice and documentation. And anytime you need extra counseling, we are always there to help.
The Vampire is an ENERGY that we all possess to some extent. We all have met or at least heard of those individuals who draw to themselves wealth, success, admirers, and opportunities of all types. Unless they are using other forms of Magick, these people generally have a naturally higher concentration of Vampyric energy. So, as you see, we all have Vampyric possibilities. However, there is also the TRUE VAMPIRE, who is not human at all, and is derived COMPLETELY from the Vampyric Energy we just discussed. A SPIRIT OF EXTREME POWER. These Entities can manifest themselves as Humans, Birds, Wolves, Bats, and even Elemental Forces such as Wind, Rain, Hail, and Fog. In fact Vampires are the most incredible Shape-Shifters ever known. They are ALWAYS charismatic and seductive. They have a tremendously rich history, and can manifest in human shape for many lifetimes consecutively--thus the legend of the Immortal Vampire. They are an embodiment of Magnetism, Star Quality, Passion, Desire, and all hypnotic, heady, hypnotizing forces that we are willingly drawn to like moths 'round a flame. THAT my friend is Vampyric Energy.
Imagine this: It's a hot sultry night, you're laying in bed almost asleep when suddenly you find yourself alert, wide awake, your body on fire, tingling with some inexplicable energy. All at once your senses are magnified,electric. You feel exhilarated and somehow extra "alive." Every second is suddenly a life-time. You sniff at the air, and with cat-like ability you are enveloped in the heady sweet aroma of Jasmine. Not so strange... except the Jasmine grows wild and free--clear on the other side of your street! Delectable, heady, you feast with your new senses. Now you rise from your bed, naked, unembarrassed, released from guilt, unencumbered by petty human limitations. Doing nothing but standing there, you feel inexplicably excited, adrenalin surging through your body in a manner you haven't experienced since the prime of your youth. At this very moment you realize you are unstoppable, you are afraid of NOTHING. Cunning and in Control. For once a Predator rather than Prey. You could seduce, you could convince, you could control any out-come. Not merely "influence," but CONTROL. Then as quickly as it came, the feeling subsides and you suddenly feel chilled and embarrassed standing there with your extra 10 pounds of fat. Quickly... you better get back into bed. You lie there for a moment trying to somehow recapture that magnificent feeling, but to no avail. It's Gone! You yawn, plump your pillow and lie there thinking about the drudgery that tomorrow will bring. The mountain of bills , the stupid job, the ignorant boss, the loveless partner, Blah, blah.. blah... blah...
What happened? What was it that could change your basic nature so suddenly and in such a seductive and pleasurable way? And then why did it go? In this instance a TRUE VAMPIRE just walked/passed by your house and the stray energies being emitted from this Entity effected you in this desirable way. This phenomena is known as Vampyric Osmosis. These are all common reactions to being in close proximity to a TRUE VAMPIRE. And then after this fortuitous visit was over, the energy quickly dissipated.
Friends, let me ask you this question. WHY WOULD YOU NOT WANT VAMPIRE ENERGY? I PRESENT TO YOU NOW THE OPPORTUNITY TO FEEL THIS WAY AT WILL. TO OWN THIS ENERGY OF PLEASURE AND POWER. As soon as I acquired these vessels I secured one for myself, and my life has changed so very completely. I only regret that I didn't find these sooner. They came from my Father's safe, and I tell myself that the timing must be right. Still, I am only human and I can't help thinking of all the excitement and success I could have already had, had I acquired this Entity sooner! And it's not even that, as much as it is the "FEELINGS" I now experience. I already have plenty of money and success, but even so, nothing compares to this FEELING, THIS POWER. I have always been prone to "living in my head" and not engaging in life as much as some do. Now that's all over. I live every moment to the fullest, and let me tell you what else--it's like a cat and mouse game, and for once I'M THE CAT. I feel no more guilt or anxiety. I'm still a good person, but I'm freed from the bonds of self doubt and worry. I SEE, I DO, I MOVE ON. I SUCCEED.
It was on my last visit to Europe that I acquired the Vessels. The most Powerful Vampires known to mankind. There aren't many of these Entities, and please beware of lesser Vampires that may be offered by some other sellers. I don't usually look at other sellers listings, but I checked it out, and some of these are NOT TRUE VAMPIRE ENTITIES
What we offer is an actual Vampire, not a Vampire Spell. Meaning this is a REAL and GENUINE VAMPIRE ENTITY that will belong to YOU and YOU alone. It is not a Vampire-"Like" Entity, a Half-Breed Vampire, or a Vampire-Charm that simulates some of the properties that a Vampire creates naturally. YOU WILL BE RECEIVING AN ACTUAL GENUINE VAMPIRE ALONG WITH ALL ITS EXCITING SUPER-NATURAL POWERS
- The ways you will benefit are innumerable but they are broken into two facets.
- 1. What your Vampire will do for you as a Wish-Granting type entity.
- 2. What your Vampire will "gift" to your own psyche and library of powers.
- 1. Your VAMPIRE ENTITY will act as a very powerful Guardian. He/She will protect you and anyone you love and care about with ruthless and unstoppable zeal. A Vampire does not really see things as good and bad, wrong and right in the way that we have been taught to. A Vampire uses its impeccable and supernatural instincts to judge each situation on its own merit. This is the RIGHT WAY TO DO THINGS. Your Vampire will also bring you great wealth within a short period of time. A Vampire thrives on SUCCESS, which is the natural yet BOOM BUG (Beaten-Out-Of-Man-By-Using-Guilt) way for humans to feel! So the first thing your Vampire will do is get you out of the humdrum 9-5 life-style and place you in a more appropriate position. At the HEAD OF THE TABLE instead of underneath it trying to catch crumbs like a whimpering mutt.
- Your Vampire will also analyze you and your body and see if there is anything that needs immediate attention. If there is, it will be fixed. I'd like to interject my own experience here. Shortly after I acquired my own Vampire I was miraculously cured of a long term "female" problem that no doctors could come close to resolving. Spells would work in the short term, but the condition would return within a few days. I guessed it must have been something I was doing, some unknown habit or sensitivity to something that was causing the affliction. I'm not sure what my Vampire did to make it go away, but it's been gone for a month now. It's really GONE!!! Hip hip horray.
- 2. This is the most important part because HOW YOU FEEL and what you will be capable of DOING is going to be the biggest gift of all.
- *Extreme Heightened Senses. You will find that--at will-- you can turn your senses on to Super-Turbo mode.
- This is more delightful, exhilarating, exciting and beneficial than I can even begin to explain!!! This includes improved vision, hearing, health, life-energy, chi, sense of well being, euphoria, sexual pleasure, and countless other benefits.
- *Power Over Others. You'll just have that THING! Call it Magnetism, Star Quality Super-Charisma, call it what you want, but YOU'LL HAVE IT IN BUCKETS FULL! What ever you want you can have it! Become one of the Privileged. Let your imagination loose. This life is a game. Get ready to be a WINNER. You will be one of the Elite. People will respect, admire, love, cherish and look up to you. They will gladly do your bidding!
- *Shape-shifting and other ESP Powers. All of these Supernatural powers will manifest in you. It's as though your channels have been cleared and all that vital energy that is available is sucked into you like water into a sponge.You'll be a walking DYNAMO. This is a very exciting aspect of owning a Vampire. I have even begun to be able to levitate! And last night while I was meditating (I use candle meditation) I easily moved the flame with my mind!
- I could go on and on, but what I really want to do is get this Vampire listed so that YOU CAN EXPERIENCE ALL THIS FOR YOURSELF.
Please note: I myself have wondered about possibly owning more than one Vampire. I've found out that these Vampire live together harmoniously and exhilarate and excite each others energies, so I suggest that you build your family of Vampires, and exponentially increase your powers in all areas. I've said it before and I'll say it again--Life is for Living, so don't keep wasting time. Get on with it! Enjoy yourself! DEMAND your God Given Right for Power, Success and Happiness! Or as Madam Crawley likes to say--Be Healthy, Wealthy, Happy and Wise!
