ITEM:   Fourteen (14) KIRK CAMERON Articles

DESCRIPTION:  Fourteen (14) KIRK CAMERON B&W Articles

Ten (10) B&W Full-Page Articles / Two (2) B&W Two-Page Articles 

Kirk Cameron is an American actor

Last seen on:  "Fuller House" as Kirk Cameron (2019)
Best known for playing:  Mike Seaver on "Growing Pains" (1985-1992)

Also starred in/on:  Extraordinary, Saving Christmas, Mercy Rule, Unstoppable, Fireproof, Left Behind: World At War, Growing Pains: Return of the Seavers, Tribulation Force, The Miracle of the Cards, The Growing Pains Movie, Left Behind, The Birth of Jesus, You Lucky Dog, Kirk (Kirk Hartman), The Computer Wore Tennis Shoes, Star Struck, A Little Piece of Heaven, The Willies, Listen To Me, Like Father Like Son, The Best of Time, Children In The Crossfire, More Than Murder, Starflight: The Plane That Couldn't Land, Beyond Witch Mountain, Goliath Awaits, and more

Sizes:  5"x7" to 8"x11" each 
Clippings are Rare and Hard-to-Find from various magazine sources
All clippings are original (no photo copies)

COPYRIGHT:  one article from 16 Magazine (1986); 16 Magazine, Teen Throbs, Big Bopper, Bop, Super Teen, Teen Beat (1988-1990)

FLAWS:  None. Yellowing, if any, is due to age


POSTAGE:  FREE (USA Only) / $8.85 (Canada) / $9.85 (Mexico) / $11.85 (United Kingdom) / $15.85 (Australia) / $19.85 (Germany) / $13.85 (All Other Countries) 

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